My flickr photos

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just for Fun - Week 25

Yes, he did actually take a bite!  This is my grandson and he was having a ball crawling around in the grass.  He has his eye on this one dandelion and when he got to it, sure enough, he had to taste it!   He didn't like the texture, so he spit it back out.  After that, he went up to more of these, but didn't 'eat them'. 

For more fun go to I ♥ Faces

Wedding Bells Theme Week 25

This was my nephews wedding in Louisville, Kentucky.  It was held in a vintage home that was turned into a bed and breakfast.  It was a wonderfull setting for a wedding and the mirror was part of the decor in the large upstairs bedroom that the wedding was held in.  

For more Wedding Bells - go to I ♥ Faces...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

WEEK 24 Theme - Let’s Hear It For The Boys and Men!

Boys sharing toys!  This is my grandson trying to share his new car with his great-uncle.  

Click here for more I ♥ Faces 

WEEK 24 Theme - Let’s Hear It For The Boys!

Doesn't every boy love to drive a boat!  This is my grandson on his first boat ride and grandpa let him drive the boat!  He loved it!  

Click here for more I ♥ Faces 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sepia Toned - Kids

This is my 11 month old grandson - I love the look on his face - almost flirty! I love his big brown eyes, too. He really does not have a 'wondering eye' - I must have caught one eye moving and not the other.  He lives half way across the country from me, so I love his visits and can't get enough pictures of him.

For more great photos check out I ♥ Faces.

Sepia Toned - Adults

This is a picture of my brother-in-law and his sister at a Bluegrass Festival in Minnesota.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Vacations

As a celebration of my parents 55th wedding anniversary, we took them on a Mexican Riviera  Cruise.  Us three girls, our husbands and my mom's sister (same age as my oldest sister) and her husband joined my parents in San Diego to board the cruise.  My parents winter in Arizona and several of their friends decided to join us.  We had a wonderful time and by the end of the cruise we had made my parents friends our friends!  The next winter, we went to see them in Arizona and had a get-together with all of our 'Arizona friends'.  What a great time we had.  This was all before I got my Nikon or Canon camera so the pictures aren't as good as they would be today, but we have the memories. 

Beautiful sunsets we had to 'endure'.

That's my dad peeking around the corner and that's my parents waving to us as we board the ship.

We took a trolly ride around San Diego before the cruise. If you click on the picture, you have to look in the 'rear-view mirror' and see the 'glasses' the driver has on - he was quite a character!

Ever tried to get a bunch of people to cooperate for a picture?  

My mom got a haircut from her friend - yes, in the parking lot the night before the cruise. 

The Anniversary Couple!  55 years!

Yep, that is a baby octupus - the guys on the boat just got it and let my aunt hold it - yuk!  I couldn't do it!

The slide was so fun, but it was up so high and it was really windy!

Our New Arizona Friends...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Challenge #21 - Pets - Puppy Loves Music

This our dog, KC, as a puppy.  She loved sitting at my husband's feet in his case while he played the guitar.  She was a rescue dog from Kansas City, so we named her KC.  We don't know what breed combination she is - maybe some Sherpherd, maybe some Lab, maybe 'who knows what'.  She has webbed feet and a 'waterproof' coat with a a coarse top layer and soft underlayer.  She has been a wonderful dog and still loves music!  She has kept her beautiful coloring, too - we call it Mahogony and Black.  

For more 'Pets' click here for I ♥ Faces

Challenge #21 - Ohhh.. Happy Birthday

This is my grand-nephew looking at his birthday card - he seems to be reading it and very interested, but if you look closely, the card is actually upside down! I used 'CoffeeShop Creamy Chocolate B&W' to help fix this photo.

Click here for more I ♥ Faces

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