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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 48 - "Sweet Dreams"

We were visiting my oldest daughter, and my youngest daughter was trying to get some extra winks, so we sent the dog in to wake her, she laughed before she even opened her eyes.  My grandson was standing at the door laughing at the dog on the bed.  For more 'Sweet Dreams', visit i heart faces.


  1. aww! what a fun memory! Dogs are so much nicer to wake to :)

  2. Better than a screeching alarm! :D

    Cute shot.

  3. Very cute :) Don't dogs make the best alarm clocks?

  4. Great photo and great story too! I love how happy the dog looks, it's obvious he was having a great time waking her up! :D

  5. I love it! Looks like the dog is gonna pounce on her head! That's a great way to wake up!


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